Friday, October 15, 2010

Nintendo Gamecube!!!!

I just bought a Nintendo Gamecube and its freaking awesome!!! It has way better graphics than the Nintendo 64. The Gamecube is small and shaped like a cube. The games don't come in those big cartridges like all the older game systems nor do they come in big discs like the Playstation games. The games come in small futuristic looking discs. They're so small they fit easily on the palm of your hand, that is so cool. I've had fun playing games like Super Smash Bros. Melee and Mario Party 5. Get a Gamecube if you want to have hours and hours of fun playing with your friends, family, or even by yourself. I cant wait for what Nintendo comes up with next. I've heard rumors of them making a system with motion sensors. MOTION SENSORS!!!! Really!? That sounds awesome, hopefully it will be as fun as the Gamecube.


  1. i just downloaded mupen64plus for linux.

    currently playing zelda OoT and MM because i never played them before

  2. The GC is the best system out there, even with all the new systems out there.

  3. Supporting you. Please return the favor! :)

  4. n64 god tier
    GC meh tier
    wil shit tier

  5. interesting, I like this... keep up the good work

  6. Thats awesome! I sadly have never owned one of these :(

  7. wow,
    i've been meaning to get a game cube
    shit's hightech

  8. I had one such a long time ago

  9. meh, GC was alright. cool post though

  10. Loved my gamecube! Sadly no longer with us...

  11. ssb is the best game for gamecube EVAR

  12. Super Smash Bros was beast when I used to have my Gamecube. But it broke sadly.

  13. heh good stuff, I still love my sega! that shit is the boss.

  14. Gamecube is the shittt. Thanks for reminding me, I'll be sure and follow.

  15. Very nice, I'm enjoying this blog. Follow me, because I sure as hell am following you! :)

  16. I never had a Gamecube, want one now. :c

  17. gamecube was mostly a loss for nintendo methinks... the wii brought them back big time

  18. The gamecube is much more advance than the N64...but their controllers are very awkward.

  19. I loved the GameCube! I don't know why everyone hatin' on it. I also think it's one of the best controllers! Totally underrated!

    Yeah I heard the next console is going to have motion sensors too but I think it's just a rumor, I also heard something about 3D but that's definitely fake.
